Serious Invasions of Privacy – a new Cause of Action in Australia?

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) released its final report on “Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era” (Report) yesterday, setting out the detailed legal design of a statutory civil cause of action for serious invasions of privacy.  In a report commissioned by the Gillard government in 2013, the ALRC recommends that the cause read more…

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: a warning against “disreputable” licence fees

Klinger, a Sherlock Holmes expert and co-editor of an anthology inspired by Sherlock Holmes, has been praised for performing a “public service” in fighting the Conan Doyle Estate (the Estate) for the right to use characters taken from Sherlock Holmes stories published before 1923.  At the same time, Judge Posner issued a strong warning to read more…