Lights, camera, action! – will ‘revenge porn’ victims finally have a cause of action to sue offenders?

The Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (“Committee”), in an inquiry into the worldwide phenomenon known as ‘revenge porn’, made recommendations last week that acts of ‘revenge porn’ should be made a crime on Commonwealth and State levels. But ‘revenge porn’ scandals are only for the J-Laws and Kim Kardashians of the world right? Apparently not. read more…

The ALRC conducts Inquiry into “Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era”

The average internet user will click “I agree” to countless Privacy Policies (or 1,462 in a year, if you believe this research) without a second thought. Yet, as we forge further into the ever evolving digital age, more and more personal data is being shared by an increasing number of internet users (Facebook counted 1.23 read more…

Tom Cruise proves Risky Business for gossip mags

In late 2012, Life & Style and In Touch magazines published headlines indicating Tom Cruise had abandoned his daughter Suri. Most people might dismiss such articles as minority reports. However, Cruise has filed a Complaint in the District Court of California for defamation and invasion of privacy. He’s asking that the publisher of the magazines read more…